KSS is the abbreviated form of Knyle Style Sheet. It can be simply described as CSS documentation. Documentation for any flavor of CSS that you’ll love to write. It is in the form of human readable, machine parsable and easy to remember. KSS is a documentation specification and styleguide format. It is not a preprocessor, CSS framework, naming convention, or specificity guideline.It is hierarchical in nature.
Why KSS?
If we have added a new member to the medieval of our project, he/she would have coped up to our styles. He/she can’t start anything from scratch. This may increase the time to develop our project. Suppose, we have already documented our CSS, a new member can just refer to the styles and start doing their works. This will increase the efficiency of our project.
If you’ve ever been a new developer on a team with weak documentation, you know how confusing it can be to try to familiarize yourself with a dozen projects without documentation.
In deciding on a style guide method, we must satisfy two main requirements:
Low Friction: The style guide should be easy to find, easy to read, and easy to maintain.
Platform Agnostic: If we wanted the things to be worked in the same way across all the platforms, the style guide should be easily maintainable, and for us that meant keeping the documentation alongside the CSS.
How to use KSS?
The basic principle is that our style guide is prepared from the comments only.
It consists of 3 parts:
- [Description Section](#description-section)
- [Modifiers Section](#modifiers-section)
- [Reference or Styleguide section](#styleguide-section)
// Title
// Description(Not compulsory)
// Markup (It’s like keyword which defines that markup to be used in our style guide)
// <h1 class=”spottersky”>SPOTTERSKY</h1> (Example)
// Styleguide (Example)
// (ꜛ this controls the organization of our style guide. This will have the organization structure like Components/post)
⇒ Title - Title of our component
⇒ Description - Description of our component
⇒ Markup - It can be used for specifying the styles of buttons.
⇒ Styleguide - Should specify the path. This will arrange our components based on the path that we have given. Path can be specified in terms of words or using the number(most likely the id of any folder)
It can be used to document the added classes or pseudo classes. This modifier classes are specified in the markup itself by adding “{{modifier_class}}” in the class.
// :hover - Subtle hover highlight.
// .stars-given - A highlight indicating you've already given a star.
// .stars-given:hover - Subtle hover highlight on top of stars-given styling.
// .disabled - Dims the button to indicate it cannot be used.
// Spotter Sky
// Large, **in charge**, and centered. (this is the description of your component. you can use markdown in here.)
// Markup (define the markup to be used in your styleguide):
// <h1 class="spottersky">SPOTTERSKY</h1>
// Styleguide Components.article.spotter-sky
.spottersky {
font-size: 3em;
text-align: center;
font-family: fantasy;
How to implement KSS?
1. Initialize npm
```command line
$ npm init
2. Install node-sass
```command line
$ npm install node-sass
3. Write Node-sass command
Open the **package.json** file.In the scripts section add an **scss** command.
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"scss": "node-sass --watch scss -o css"
> `node-sass`: Refers to the node-sass package
> `--watch`: Watch all .scss files in the sass/ or scss/ folder and recompile them every time there's a change
> `scss`: *The folder name* where we put all our .scss
> `-o css`: The output folder for our compiled CSS.
4. Run the script
```Command Line
$ npm run scss
5. Initial setup of KSS
```Command Line
$ npm install --save-dev kss michelangelo
6. To verify that it was installed
```Command Line
$ ./node_modules/.bin/kss --version
7. Create a file named `kss.config.json` to configure our KSS settings.
"title": "Title of the Style Guide",
"source": "scss/",
"destination": "styleguide/",
"builder": "node_modules/michelangelo/kss_styleguide/custom-template/",
"css": [
8. To compile the styleguide
```Command Line
$ npm run kss
$ ./node_modules/.bin/kss --config kss-config.json
9. To view the static styleguide html
`/styleguide` in the url
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