Everything you need to know about 5g:

 Everything you need to know about 5g:

Every new generation of wireless networks delivers faster speed and more functionality to our smartphones. 1G brought us the very first cell phones , 2G let us text for the first time, 3G brought us online and 4G delivered the speed that we enjoy today but as more users come online 4G networks have just about  reached the limit of what they are capable of at a time when users want even more data for their smartphones and devices. Now we are headed towards 5G!!!

5G is getting a lot of hype right now.If you're thinking a 5G phone is a big idea, think again. Today's mobile users want faster data speeds and more reliable service. The next generation of wireless networks, 5G promises to deliver that  and much more. With 5G, users should be able to download a high-definition film in under a second (a task that could take 10 minutes on 4G LTE). Wireless engineers say these networks will boost the development of other new technologies too, such as autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things.  

The newest "G"  might make a bigger difference in your home and car.

5G Technology stands for 5th generation mobile technology. 5G denotes the next major phase of mobile telecommunication standards beyond the upcoming 4G standards.5G is 10 times faster than 4G LTE.

What exactly is a 5G network?

5G is designed to do a variety of things that can transform our lives, including giving us faster download speeds, low latency, and more capacity and connectivity for billions of devices,especially in the areas of virtual reality (VR), the IoT, and artificial intelligence (AI).

5 Brand new technologies emerging as a  foundation of 5G ,they are 

1. Millimeter waves:

 It is the use of frequency bands in the 24 GHz to 100 GHz range, known as millimeter wave (mmWave), that provide new challenges and benefits for 5G networks. The main focus of this technology brief is the emergence of mmWave wireless as part of the 5G revolution.

The objective of mmWave is to increase the data bandwidth available over smaller, densely populated areas. It will be a key part of 5G in many cities, powering data in sports stadiums, malls, and convention centers, as well as basically anywhere data congestion might be a problem.

2. Small cells

A small cell is a low-cost radio access point with low radio frequency (RF) power output, footprint and range. In the 5G Era, small cells will be deployed in a far wider range of scenarios than in the past, and the form factors and architectures will be extremely varied.

Small cells will provide new, fast connectivity speeds for 5G networks and capable devices, but 5G won't stop there. Macrocells and femtocells are also key to connect 5G networks.

3. Massive MIMO

Massive MIMO increases the number of transmitting antennas (dozens or more than 100 elements) at a base station. MIMO further expands the total capacity per base station by enabling communication with multiple devices using the same resources, creating a virtually unified device side.

5G Massive MIMO is one of the key enables for increasing throughput and resilience on the 5G New Radio.


5G beamforming allows Verizon to make 5G connections more focused toward a receiving device. Rather than sending signals in several directions at once, which increases signal loss, beamforming applies relative amplitude and phase shifts to antenna elements to cancel out interference and create streamlined signal paths.

Beamforming is the application of multiple radiating elements transmitting the same signal at an identical wavelength and phase, which combine to create a single antenna with a longer, more targeted stream which is formed by reinforcing the waves in a specific direction.

5. Full duplex

Today's base stations and cell phones rely on transceivers that must take turns if transmitting and receiving information over the same frequency, or operate on different frequencies if a user wishes to transmit and receive information at the same time.

With 5G, a transceiver will be able to transmit and receive data at the same time, on the same frequency. This technology is known as full duplex and it could double the capacity of wireless networks at their most fundamental physical layer. For example : Picture two people talking at the same time but still able to understand one another which means their conversation could take half as long and their next discussion could start sooner.


  •  High resolution and bi-directional large bandwidth shaping.

  • Technology to gather all networks on one platform.

  • More effective and efficient.

  • Technology to facilitate subscriber supervision tools for quick action.

  • Easily manageable with the previous generations.

  • Technological sound to support heterogeneous services.

  • Possible to provide uniform, uninterrupted, and consistent connectivity across the world.


  • Technology is still under process and research on its viability is going on.

  • Many of the old devices would not be compatible with 5G, hence, all of them need to be replaced with new one.

  • Developing infrastructure requires a high cost.

  • Security and privacy issues yet to be solved.

In conclusion, 5G will lead to one of the biggest technological transformations of our lifetime, with unlimited possibilities. Not only will it transform lives, but it will also help save them with optimized emergency services and the reduction of car accidents. Ranging from connected cars to connected cows, this new industry standard will change everything.




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