These days, most of us carry a fully functional multimedia studio around in our smartphones says Austin Kleon. We people  really wanted to engage with our own generation, one that is increasingly speaking in an audio/video multimedia language. Multimedia is an effective way to communicate and share the ideas with users. What is multimedia??.... In what ways are they used ??.. Well, The proper definition of multimedia is a computerized method of presenting information combining text, audio, video, graphics and animation. As the name suggests it is the combination of multi and media that different types of hardware and software tools  are used for communication of information. Let us see some examples related to multimedia from the bricks to the brains;

·         The text we see in books, newspapers or any means of media

·         The sound we hear when we listen to music

·         The graphics we see in science fiction movies

·         Ads placed in newspapers by business groups

·         Millions of people watch videos on the internet….and so on…


Multimedia involves several forms of communication to connect the sender and the receiver. The “content” of any medium is always another medium. Generally there are five types of medium as we saw in the definition. Let’s have a look.

1.       TEXT: Text is a primary way to transmit messages although, internet has arrived nowadays. Text has various fonts and sizes so that multimedia developers use it professionally in their software.

File types: DOC, PDF, TXT


2.       AUDIO: It involves sound, music effects which are added to our website or presentation. It is of two types: analog  and digital. Computer stores sound in digital form. In multimedia applications digital audio is used.

File types: MP3, WAV, WMA


3.       VIDEO: Video  plays an important role in multimedia applications because it gives a lot of information in a short duration. It refers to moving pictures accompanied by audio elements. Digital video files can be transferred and edited within a computer network.

File types: MP4, MOV, AVI


 4.       GRAPHICS: Gifs are small files that present a single image or else rapidly display the sequence of images to give the appearance of motion. Graphics makes multimedia applications more attractive so it is used most commonly than text or images.


 5.       ANIMATION: It is also quite similar to graphics but has wide applications in multimedia. Animation is nothing but making a static image to move. It is very popular and makes the software attractive too.

File types: GIF, FLV



 There are a variety of multimedia software available for free for the use of the users in general and professional as well. Few of the software that is available is  as follows:


·         Picaso

·         VLC media player

·         Windows movie maker

·         Adobe Photoshop

·         Media Monkey

·         Ink scape





1.   Wireless, mobile computing

2.   Visual communication

3.   Virtual reality and 3d imaging

4.   Artificial Intelligence

5.   Audio, video processing

6.   Animation and graphics



Web 2.0 technologies offer great promise to the field of education and are steadily gaining acceptance. The increased availability of media, it is more important to consider multimedia learning theory. It  gives educators and designers an important weapon to draw upon as they develop digital content in their fields. Since media plays a vital role in communication with these digital technologies it makes much more easier for anyone to create their own media based content, it is more important than ever to keep in mind the ideas represented in Multimedia Learning Theory.


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