What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is originally a blend of CSS and JavaScript code that you can use to create dynamic websites. It is an efficient tool for front-end design that consists of HTML and CSS design templates. These include components like forms, buttons, navigations, modals, typography, and other interface elements.

Everyone knows that updated versions would have slight changes or might have additional features. Same to that, Bootstrap v5.0 also has some changes and additional features.

So let’s start uncovering what’s changed in Bootstrap v5.0.

Drop for jQuery Support:

The end of jQuery support is especially meant to reduce the source file size and improve the loading times. As JS based languages are at their peak these days, jQuery has lost its popularity. And moreover Developers are using virtual DOM, instead of DOM directly.

Enhanced JavaScript:

While Bootstrap drops support for jQuery, Bootstrap5 creators show much interest in enhancing the JavaScript features. These features include update to popper 2, revamped dropdown, popover and tooltip placement.

CSS Custom properties:

CSS custom properties(variables) can be used. These properties make CSS more flexible and programmable. To avoid inconvenience in declaring custom variables, Bootstrap variables are prefixed with ‘-bs’.

Improved Grid System:

The Bootstrap Grid system has extended their support to six different breakpoints. The six different bootstrap grid tiers are

Extra small - xs  (<576px)

Small - sm (>= 576px)

Medium - md (>=768px)

Large - lg (>=992px)

Extra large - xl (>=1200px)

Extra Extra large - xxl (>=1400px)

RTL support:

Bootstrap has finally introduced RTL support for languages that read from right to left. For this, they have made complete documentation for the RTLCSS framework.

Improved Documentation:

Documentation has been enhanced with more information especially when it comes to customization. A common problem was that with many sites that use Bootstrap, we could immediately identify that it was using Bootstrap. Bootstrap 5 now comes with a new look and feel, and with better customization.

New Offcanvas component:

Among the new features of Bootstrap 5 is also the new offcanvas component that includes a configurable backdrop, body scroll, and placement. The new element includes Bootstrap chevron icons to show the clickability and state. Developers can position this type of component at the top, bottom, left, or right of the viewport.

New Accordion component:

There is also a new accordion component to replace the  .card accordion component. Since it has a Collapse JavaScript Plugin, we can make expand and collapse easily.

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