So there you are, it’s a rainy night and you’ve called a taxi. Strangely, the driver doesn’t talk but you arrive at the address, Now you want to pay cash and run away screaming.OMG, There is no driver in the car. WAIT WAIT WAIT..This is not a horror movie but the near future of self-driving cars. We don’t know what the future holds but we do know that previous generations had high hopes for what lay ahead. As a new period of massive change is upon us, it’s really hard to notice what is developing over our heads to the inner data spaces being explored by the phones in our pockets.

Sure, it’s scary. Self-driving cars could take away jobs from drivers and give machines more power than some ever thought possible. Even so, it’s interesting to see what is actually true and what about these technological wonders has been exaggerated.

Let’s quickly head on to our topic.

A self-driving car (sometimes called an autonomous car or driverless car) is a vehicle that uses a combination of sensors, cameras, radar, and artificial intelligence (AI) to travel between destinations without a human operator.

The idea behind self-driving cars is fairly simple: build a car with cameras that can track all the objects around it. The car should react if it’s about to steer into one. And once in-car computers know all driving rules, they should be able to navigate to their destination. In the end, you might say that the execution of these ideas has been more complicated than was anticipated.


  • Self-driving cars could save people time by improving the flow of traffic and allowing passengers to make phone calls, read, or catch up on work.

  • Once driverless cars are the norm, traffic jams, commute times, and gas usage would all decrease.

  • Driverless cars will allow for the disabled and those less mobile to get around easier and comfortably. Driverless cars mean more freedom and less dependence on other people or forms of transport.

  • Drunk driving accidents would no longer occur, saving thousands of innocent lives.

  • Police would no longer need to spend time writing traffic tickets and could focus on more important crimes.


  • Driverless cars would depend on GPS mapping to get around. Our GPS here in the States may be pretty good, but other parts of the world aren’t so lucky.

  • Many drivers will have driven the majority of their life, and suddenly, when they no longer have to drive, they could lose that well-developed skill. If certain conditions then require the driver to take the wheel, they could overestimate their ability.

  • As seen with car technology available today, weather can sometimes interfere with its effectiveness. For instance, parking sensors and cameras can’t work with snow.

The transition from self-driving cars with varying levels of autonomy to fully autonomous vehicles is yet to be made. However, modern AI Technologies and machine learning development are making rapid leaps forward in this direction, and that is what’s driving the industry forward. 

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading my blog. I truly appreciate it. Until next time!

Have a nice day!



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